Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Coery was XRAYED again and 1 screw is backing out again from the first surgery!
Sorry i havent updated everyone but this has run its course on me and Corey!
im not even sure if anyone reads my post anymore!
to every one have a Happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas.
Sign my guest book it may lift my spirits!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Update 10/12/2008

I took corey to see doctor clark because corey had blood in his urine,Doctor Clark found that he had a fever of 105 degress,Corey is on Cipofloxacin and Cethanechol.Corey is doing better now, but what a scare he gave us!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

COREY UPDATE 10/01/2008

Corey and I have had a big set back one of the screws broke and another two were getting loose so Corey went back in for surgery and they were repaired but the broken screw is still in the bone and another metal plate was added with 6 more screws.Thats a total of 16 screws in my best friends leg now.I wish it was me instead of him!I can't stand to see him in such pain.Your prayers for him are welcome.XRAYS

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Corey's new splint.

Today I went to meet the nice people at Handicapped pets and picked up Corey's new splint which i hope he will be wearing after his XRAYS tomorrow.The splint is well made and looks comfy too.

Coreys new splint.
Coreys new splint.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Corey at the Ashford's farm.

Corey at the Ashford's farm.
Corey at the Ashford's farm.

Corey is off the Antibiotic's and is feeling better.
Now i have to keep telling him to slow down so he doesn't trip and fall.
I have been changing Corey's splint and have been getting good at it.
Corey is looking good now that he has lost over 25 pounds of excess fat.
Time for me to lose some weight too! LOL!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Corey and I doing some lite shopping

Corey and I went to do some shopping.
It was more for Corey so he could get out and see some people. As soon as we walked in I heard people saying awwww poor dog! Then two small children came over and gave him a hug I said your not suppose to pat him because he is a working dog. Then came the questions!
Why does he have that on his leg? Why does he have that vest on? So I stopped and talked to them and explained why! They took it all in like it was a school lesson that they may get tested on later. They seemed to enjoy it very much.
Later in the freezer section a man thought maybe he was a police dog that had been
hurt on duty.
I think Corey enjoyed looking around and watching all the different people. Corey was glad to get out of the house after almost two months.

Corey and I at walmart getting coffee creamer
Corey and i at walmart in the produce area
Corey taking a rest while i look at the ice cream

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Corey's update on his recovery!

A stained glass window showing hands patting a black dog
A stained glass window showing a black dog licking a ice cream cone
A stained glass window of a black dog looking forwards
A staind glass window of a black dog swiming after a red ball
Corey is still having lots of pain. Corey crys a lot at night and some times I will sleep with him on the floor to try and help him cope with the pain! On 08-25-2008 Corey went outside and started vomiting. That scared me so I took his temperature which was 103.5. So I immediately went to the emergency clinic! They gave Corey his medications by injection. They also checked his electrolytes which showed he was a little dehydrated. Corey also got some IV fluids. It wasn't a Addison's' crisis Corey was just hurting, and not feeling well. They also put a new pain patch on him. Anyway, $608.00 of well spent money we headed back home! The next day Corey was still feeling ill. Corey didn't urinated when I let him out. Later that day Corey still hadn't urinated, So we headed out once again to see his regular vet. They gave him some more fluid's, and around 5pm he finally urinated. Today Corey still cried from the pain, but at least Corey is drinking and eating.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Corey's Home!

Good St. Francis, you loved all of God's creatures.
To you they were your brothers and sisters.
Help us to follow your example
of treating every living thing with kindness.
St. Francis, Patron Saint of animals,
watch over my pet
and keep my companion safe and healthy.
corey laying on the floor with his leg in a splint
Corey is home he cried and cried with his head in my arms,and Guess what so did I.
I will do a better update when I get my thoughts together!

Coreys X RAY showing the metal plate in his wrist
Coreys X RAY of his wrist showing the metal plate with nine screws holding it in place

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I took Corey to the Vets this morning at 7:30 am. It rained the whole time I was driving! The weather was gloomy like the way my heart felt as I drove home with out him!
As of 8 pm Corey's has gone through the surgery with no unexpected problems!!!


Monday, August 18, 2008

Friday, August 15, 2008


I stopped and took a breath and did some research about what will happen with Corey's wrist.
it's called arthrodesis.he will be going in this Tuesday that Will put him in 11 days of his percorten-v cycle,that will be almost half way!
they will put him under anesthesia and take more x-rays then he will go for surgery!
he will have a arthrodesis bone plate 2.7/3.5 held in place with nine 3.5 mm bone screws!Hopefully he will be home in a few days.the big worry is the Addison's disease,it could take him twice as long to stomach is in knots just thinking about what could happen.we will just take it a day at time!
wish him luck and keep him in your prayers.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Bad News/Good News???

well now it has been very stressful since my last post!
Yesterday Corey went to the vets again to have his wrist looked at and had all his shots and blood test for heart worm and Lyme disease. all negative!
bad news is his wrist, he still is limping and hyper extending the wrist joint!
So i was referred to see a surgeon at the emergency clinic and today i took him there, Good News he weighed 116 pounds and Bad News it looks like the damage is from torn Corey will be having a metal plate with screws put in and having the joint fused permanently for 3,000 dollars not what i wanted to hear! it will give him a better quality of life in the long run but he will no longer be able to bend his wrist!
surgery is one word you don't want to hear when you have a dog with Addison's disease.
I will update when it starts happening.

Friday, August 8, 2008


I Went to the hospital today to see a specialist for the nerve damage in my neck,Next i will be going to get another MRI!
i hate those things it feels like getting buried alive.
then i will be getting another test called EMG?
they use needles and send electric shocks to see how bad the damage is.
Doctor said it isnt a pleasnt test!But anuf about me........
I stopped to get Corey's percorten-V at the vets
(Corey's weight was 117 pounds....YEAH!),
I gave him his shot when i got back home,
He still is limping very badly and has a hugh knot on the outside of his wrist we will be seeing his vet next week!It may be time to retire him???
on a lighter note Nikki is doing great from her surgery!!!

Daisy is a great friend to the other dogs here and we were shocked to hear that
Daisy was very badly hurt at the doggy daycare by another male dog there,she still is in the vets and will need many surgerys!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Nikki and Corey

Took Corey for a short walk with a brace on his wrist!
He still has a bad limp.
Nikki is doing good from her surgery.

Corey in a  hay field

Monday, July 28, 2008

UPDATE July 28 2008

NIKKI Playing With The Water Hose

Today was a busy day,first Nikki went in to have surgery!then i had to go to see my doctor because of some wicked pain Ive been having in my neck!Corey was suppose to have his splint taken off today,but he already did that him self!Corey is still limping,so between me and the dogs the only place we have been going to is the vets or to the doctors.This afternoon i will go pick Nikki up from the vets,I know Corey misses her already.I spent my birthday in bed with ice packs on my neck.Hope Corey and i start feeling a little better so we can go out for a walk up waterville valley and get some fresh mountain air!
NIKKI Playing With The Water Hose

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Corey Update July 24 2008

corey from 2003

Corey is out of his splint his foot was staying to wet with all the rain lately and he started chewing on the end of the bandage!Good news is the swelling is down but he is still trying heat wraps to see if that helps.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Corey Update july 19 2008

Corey with his spoon splint on!
Corey was xrayed again,and it still looks like a very bad sprained wrist!He is now in a temporary cast for the next week or so.we also weighed him and he was a whopping 130 pounds!!!think allot of the weigh is because of the increase of prednisolone,but we are checking on his thyroids to see if that is part of the problem.So the plan now is to get him down to 105 pounds!I will cut back on the prednisolone and will be giving him SLENTROL (DIRLOPIDE) to help with his appetite.When he can walk again he will be able to play and run around and chase butterflys that should help burn off the fat to!

Friday, July 18, 2008


Corey will be going to the vet saturday july 19th to see what the status is of his right wrist injury is,he still is limping very badly but does'nt cry out in pain.when he first fell i had never heard him scream out in pain as he did in the 5 plus years that we have been working together!his head injury is okay accept for 2 small scars under his nose and one on the edge of his eye.he is taking 20 mg of prednislone and no pain meds

Monday, July 14, 2008

Corey Update July 14 2008

Corey went to see the vet today!They tripled his pain medications and he will stay on a high dose of prednisone for now!
If the swelling doesn't go down in a few days he will have to get some more X-rays to see if any bone chips got in between the joint!
Plus he got his PERCORTEN-V injection for the Addison's disease today.
Id like to thank those of you that were able to help out with some of his bills,every little bit helps.

Corey's swollen wrist and paw.
Corey's swollen wrist and paw.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Corey Update for July 2008

Corey is doing great he is still on the same medication's.Its been a challenge keeping his weight down!

Corey wearing my sun glasses at the govenors office

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Update on Corey!

We made another year and completed this years blind awarness walk and also had some sponsers!Corey still has his days with the addison's disease,people were aware about him and made sure he had plenty of water to drink.
Corey and Pete

Tuesday, June 3, 2008