I took Corey to the Vets this morning at 7:30 am. It rained the whole time I was driving! The weather was gloomy like the way my heart felt as I drove home with out him!As of 8 pm Corey's has gone through the surgery with no unexpected problems!!!
I stopped and took a breath and did some research about what will happen with Corey's wrist.
it's called arthrodesis.he will be going in this Tuesday that Will put him in 11 days of his percorten-v cycle,that will be almost half way!
they will put him under anesthesia and take more x-rays then he will go for surgery!
he will have a arthrodesis bone plate 2.7/3.5 held in place with nine 3.5 mm bone screws!Hopefully he will be home in a few days.the big worry is the Addison's disease,it could take him twice as long to recover.my stomach is in knots just thinking about what could happen.we will just take it a day at time!
wish him luck and keep him in your prayers.
well now it has been very stressful since my last post!
Yesterday Corey went to the vets again to have his wrist looked at and had all his shots and blood test for heart worm and Lyme disease. all negative!
bad news is his wrist, he still is limping and hyper extending the wrist joint!
So i was referred to see a surgeon at the emergency clinic and today i took him there, Good News he weighed 116 pounds and Bad News it looks like the damage is from torn ligaments.now Corey will be having a metal plate with screws put in and having the joint fused permanently for 3,000 dollars not what i wanted to hear! it will give him a better quality of life in the long run but he will no longer be able to bend his wrist!
surgery is one word you don't want to hear when you have a dog with Addison's disease.I will update when it starts happening.
I Went to the hospital today to see a specialist for the nerve damage in my neck,Next i will be going to get another MRI!
i hate those things it feels like getting buried alive.
then i will be getting another test called EMG?
they use needles and send electric shocks to see how bad the damage is.
Doctor said it isnt a pleasnt test!But anuf about me........
I stopped to get Corey's percorten-V at the vets (Corey's weight was 117 pounds....YEAH!),
I gave him his shot when i got back home,
He still is limping very badly and has a hugh knot on the outside of his wrist we will be seeing his vet next week!It may be time to retire him???
on a lighter note Nikki is doing great from her surgery!!!Daisy is a great friend to the other dogs here and we were shocked to hear that
Daisy was very badly hurt at the doggy daycare by another male dog there,she still is in the vets and will need many surgerys!
Took Corey for a short walk with a brace on his wrist!
He still has a bad limp.
Nikki is doing good from her surgery.