Today I went to meet the nice people at Handicapped pets and picked up Corey's new splint which i hope he will be wearing after his XRAYS tomorrow.The splint is well made and looks comfy too.
Corey is off the Antibiotic's and is feeling better. Now i have to keep telling him to slow down so he doesn't trip and fall. I have been changing Corey's splint and have been getting good at it. Corey is looking good now that he has lost over 25 pounds of excess fat. Time for me to lose some weight too! LOL!
Corey and I went to do some shopping. It was more for Corey so he could get out and see some people. As soon as we walked in I heard people saying awwww poor dog! Then two small children came over and gave him a hug I said your not suppose to pat him because he is a working dog. Then came the questions! Why does he have that on his leg? Why does he have that vest on? So I stopped and talked to them and explained why! They took it all in like it was a school lesson that they may get tested on later. They seemed to enjoy it very much. Later in the freezer section a man thought maybe he was a police dog that had been hurt on duty. I think Corey enjoyed looking around and watching all the different people. Corey was glad to get out of the house after almost two months.